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 Any other Facebook pictures involving friends like this one?

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Newbie Shuffler
Newbie Shuffler

Number of posts : 4
Registration date : 2010-07-06

Any other Facebook pictures involving friends like this one? Empty
PostSubject: Any other Facebook pictures involving friends like this one?   Any other Facebook pictures involving friends like this one? I_icon_minitimeTue Jul 06, 2010 3:00 pm

There is a popular picture circulating Facebook of a bunch of cartoon people. Below each person is a caption such as: "the flirt" "the tower" or "the one with all the gossip," and each of your friends is tagged as someone in the picture. I want to be slightly original so I'm wondering if there are any other pictures like this, from a TV show or movie or something, because I've heard of other variations. Please tell me about any others and where I can find them. Thank you!

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Any other Facebook pictures involving friends like this one?
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