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 Why don't sites like Chinabuye sell their goods for a higher price?

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Newbie Shuffler
Newbie Shuffler

Number of posts : 4
Registration date : 2010-07-06

Why don't sites like Chinabuye sell their goods for a higher price? Empty
PostSubject: Why don't sites like Chinabuye sell their goods for a higher price?   Why don't sites like Chinabuye sell their goods for a higher price? I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 13, 2010 8:19 pm

The prices on that site are low, which is a good thing for buyers, and free shippiing is great too. I can't help but think they could get away with charging slightly higher prices and there wouldn't be any problems at all. For example, why sell something for $2 when stores are selling it normally for $10?
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Why don't sites like Chinabuye sell their goods for a higher price?
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